Published by Alex Seamark on 11/26/20

Jet engines work by sucking air in and exhausting it at high speed to generate thrust. This article will go into depth of the workings of a jet engine. First, the fan sucks air in at the front where it is then directed to a compressor. A compressor is a shaft with many blades spinning at a high speed causing the air to be compressed. After the compressor raises the pressure of the air by compressing it the air is sent to the combustor. The combustor mixes the air with fuel and ignites it causing hot expanding gases to shoot out the back of the engine. Before these hot expanding gases leave the Aircraft at the nozzle to generate thrust they pass through the last turbine which steals a small portion of the energy for the engine to use to spin the shaft. The shaft spinning spins the compressor and fan allowing the rest of the engine to work. Finally the hot expanding gases are released at the nozzle where they generate the thrust necessary for an aircraft to take off and fly.

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