Learn video editing by editing action scenes from the “Incredibles!”

This month we will be hosting two workshops about the month’s topic: Video Editing.

The workshops are both the same and you may attend if you are from one of the schools that we have had send this flyer out to, sign up for one of the workshop dates with our workshop sign up form, and get approved beforehand. (An approval message will be sent back via email.) You may only attend the workshop that corresponds with your grade.

In order to attend the workshop, a video editing software called DaVinci Resolve 17 must be installed to follow along. Here is a link to the place where you can download the software.

The video editing webinars are optional to watch as all information and skills needed to edit the “Incredibles” action scenes will be taught at the workshop. The flyer, with more detailed information, is below.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on the Contact page of the website.

Download The Clips for the Workshop Here:

Categories: EventsSTEM Workshops

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