STEM Extreme hosted a virtual reality and augmented reality event at the Thomas House shelter.

After starting off with a quick introduction and ice breakers we went over what virtual reality is and why it is important as well as some of its practical uses.

Then, students experienced virtual reality for the first time by going through virtual reality roller coasters using Google Cardboard VR sets.

After the virtual reality, we took a quick snack break and went onto the next portion of the workshop: augmented reality.

While most of the students had heard about virtual reality, very few had ever heard about augmented reality. After teaching the students what augmented reality is and some of its use cases, they got to create their own augmented reality scenes with ARvid. ARvid is an app that has tons of 3D models that you can use to create your own augmented reality scenes.

Here are links to two of scenes created by students at the event:

Dinosaur Movie

Fight Movie

We have a limited selection of photos from the event because few students had photo release and were allowed to be photographed.

Categories: EventsSTEM Workshops

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